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Writer's pictureHanham Green Belt

New Determination Date for Planning Application P23/01330/O

Aerial view of land south of Hencliffe Way in Hanham Bristol including river Avon and houses

South Gloucestershire Council's planning officer, Lee Burman, has agreed an extension of time for determination with the applicant team in respect of outline planning application P23/01330/O. The revised target date is now 11th September 2023.

Mr Burman said "[The extension] is in order to allow the applicant to make revised and additional submissions, following the outcome of the public consultation exercise undertaken in respect of the initial submissions. The applicant team has indicated that these submissions will be with us [SGC] shortly."

He went on to say "Following receipt, a further public consultation exercise in respect of the revised/additional submissions will be undertaken. Dependent on how that second consultation process proceeds, it may be necessary to try to agree a further extension of time to allow it to conclude fully."

There is concern that the new deadline will not allow interested parties enough time to study the applicant team's additional submissions and produce detailed responses by 11th September 2023.

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